Thursday, July 18, 2013

Mixed what?!?!

So its been 3 months since my last appointment. 3 months since my diagnosis of Fibromyalgia. 3 months of taking medication. 3 months. I honestly have had some good days, but I am still tired and new symptoms have appeared. 

I really didn't know what to expect when I went to my Rheumy appointment on Friday. I thought, they might change my medication, or increase the dosage on what I was taking now. {{Sigh}} I wasn't even close.

I started with my list, then the Doctor went through his list, his superior came in, to confirm some stuff, they walked out to get some stuff ready. Oh let me remind you that I still have that, what I thought was a rash on my legs, from my knees down.

So while I was waiting for the Doctor(s), another Doctor came in with a team {{about 6 of them}} of "learning Doctors" and said, " I hope you don't mind, please sit down and show them your legs", I responded with, "wow, I must have something pretty amazing to show" {{just in case I was not embarrassed enough}} as I lift my pant legs, the Doctor said, "go ahead touch them, feel it". At this point I notice none of them have gloves on, hey this might be a good thing, it must not be contagious. The Doctor says, "do you feel the blood vessels, they have risen to the top", learning team oo's and ah's. 

The other Doctors come back. They tell me I have Mixed Connective Tissue Disease."Mixed what?!", I say as I try to stay calm and write everything down (my note taker was not able to go with me). They explained to me that I have, a little of Lupus, a little of Fibromyalgia, and a little of Sjogren's. My immune system is still attacking itself. Which is what is going on with my legs. They wanted to do a biopsy, but decided to have me take a new medication for 30 days to see if that helps. They are also concerned about the amount of protein in my urine test.

From the moment I left, till now, I still don't know if this new diagnosis is better, worse, or just the same as before. I do know by the time I got home, I told God I was mad at him, seriously, what have I done to deserve this? Then I quickly said sorry.

I don't understand all of this, maybe I am not meant to. At times I wonder who's life I am living, cause it doesn't feel like this is the way mine was suppose to turn out.

Well another waiting game, 30 days of medication, another urine test and see the Rheumy within 2 months.

BTW, I knew I had symptoms of all 3 of those diseases...I guess it just took time for them to show themselves to the right people.

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