Saturday, March 16, 2013

Siblings reactions...

Like I have previously mentioned, I have 3 Brothers and 1 Sister, my Sister is the only one who lives out of state.
When I first notified my siblings that I was not feeling well, I sent out a mass text that went something like this...
"Well the good news is, I don't have HIV or Strep. Today I was tested for Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis. I have been in pain for two weeks. Please don't call me, today, I'm physically and mentally tired, sorry. I should have results in two weeks or sooner. Love you."
(1) Brother, had text me everyday after that to check on me and to keep updated.
(2) Brother, I never heard from and when we finally did meet up, I could tell he hardly understood what I was going through and after that, he never contacted me about it.
(3) Brother, showed concern, responded every time I sent out a text, but didn't initiate.
Sister, well, I got in maybe a sentence about myself and then the rest of the conversation was about her. A few weeks later, she initiated some conversation.
I had read an article/blog about how different peoples reactions would be when I told them about Lupus, excuse me, in this case, "most likely" Lupus. It had said, to some it would be an extremely big deal and to others, not so much. They were right, I guess I was warned.
Example #2
When I told my Director, he responded with, "it will be alright, its just arthritis". Oh I was to exhausted to explain to him that he had been misinformed, but had some truth. When I told our office assistant  she was very concerned, and still is.
I think I felt the best, when I told my 2 best friends. We have known each other from high school and maybe longer. We actually cried "together". I didn't get the initial, "do's and don'ts". I felt like they heard my pain, my hurt. Not that no one else did, or maybe I didn't show it to them. I felt like they had the shoulder I could cry on, the hug to say, "its going to be ok".

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